
How to Clean Your Baby Toys | House Cleaning Queen Anne

To keep your child’s baby toys clean and disinfected is one of the best but unheard advice for most of the mothers. The immune system of the young children is in the development phase and your baby should get all of the help in order to stay healthy during the house cleaning process.


The children are always crawling on the floor and touching almost everything in the house and most of the times they discover it inside their mouths. In this situation the babies will get infected with the bacteria, germs and get sick. Here are few of the tips by house cleaning Queen Anne which you can follow to clean your baby toys clean and germ free.


Small toys:

Use the dishwasher:

In this house cleaning process you should add the small plastic toys or the toys that don’t contain any batteries  and put them straight in the dishwasher. Add dishwashing detergent in it and warm water this way your baby toys will get cleaned as well as sanitized.


By hand: In this house cleaning process, if your baby toys have got batteries then you can’t just wash them in the dishwasher. Use the warm water and dish soap to clean the outside part with the cloth and remove the food stuck on them. Next use any antibacterial wipes to disinfect the bacteria. Rinse the toy with the water before you give it back to your kid.


Larger toys:

In this house cleaning process you should clean the surface of the toy with soap and water solution. You should wipe it with antibacterial wipes like dettol and then hand it to your children.


Depending on the large size of the toy it’s easy to use the anti-bacterial wipes to clean the surface and then wipe it after the usage. Make sure that you follow the instructions.


Fabric Toys:

In this house cleaning process, the first thing you must make sure is that wash all of the fabric toys in the laundry with soap and hot water.

- Depending on the type of toy can can either hang it on the wire or place it in the dryer.

- If you are worried about the stuffing clumping then you can put the tennis balls in the dryer during the house cleaning process.


How often should you clean them?

When you start the house cleaning process just keep in mind that the bacteria can stay on the surface for at least one month. So if your baby toys are exposed on the cooking surface then you should clean them right away.

- Make sure that you clean the bath toys right after your kid takes the bath as the moisture can lead to molds.

- If any person in your house has been sick then it’s best to clean the toys as soon as possible.


Most of the time we are busy with our office jobs, so, you can contact your local house cleaning Queen Anne experts for house organization.