
House Cleaning Ballard - Fight with Hard Water Stains


What are hard water stains? 

The hard water is water that has high percentage than usual mineral content that is coming in your house. The hard water is made up of calcium and magnesium ions. During the house cleaning process the hard water stains occur due to hard minerals that are rich in content and once the water evaporates it leaves a grimy residue on the surface! When house cleaning most of the times you will notice the hard water stains on the bathroom glass door, tiles, or even on the metal surfaces. You might even find the hard water stains on your dishes and clothes. 


How to get rid of hard water stains? 

During the house cleaning process, did your bright white tub or shower slowly got stained and diny? Do you scrub it continuously on the regular basis to get rid of the dirty areas but you are out of luck? If you notice then the culprit responsible for the persistent shower grime is the hard water stains!


The hard water stains are not harmful for your health but the hard water stains does make the soaps and detergents less effective during the house cleaning process.  The dingy tub in your bathroom doesn’t have to have to be a permanent change, you just need to have a clear idea how you can remove the hard water stains. If you are wondering how you can get rid of the hard water stains then you can solve this problem by using several commercial cleaners and natural house cleaning tips as well. 


House cleaning Ballard has got few tips which you can follow to get rid of the hard water stains that are tough to remove! 


- When house cleaning you need to start mixing half water and half vinegar solution in the spray bottle. After that you need to spray the mixture on the stained areas in your tub and shower and wait for a few minutes to get the results before you start wiping it clean. 


You can also try to remove the hard water stains by creating a paste solution made up of baking soda and vinegar solution! 


- When house cleaning all you need to do is smear the paste over the surface of the stains and leave it for 15-20 minutes. 

- Once the applied mixture has been dried you can scrub it clean by using the sponge or toothbrush and later on rinse it with water. 

- Make sure that it’s important that you immediately wipe dry because you don’t have to wait for the water to be sitting on the newly cleaned surface! 


You can even try removing the hard water stain area by using the lemon juice. 


- When house cleaning you can spray the fresh lemon juice on the stubborn hard stains buildup near the chrome faucets. 

- Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse it. Clean the area in end.


To remove the hard water stains call your local house cleaning Ballard experts!