
How can you Whiten your Grouts?

We all have been there, no matter how much we clean we can still see this black dirt stuck in the tiles joint and it simply looks hideous. No matter how much we stay careful while cleaning, this grout does forms in the joints of the tiles. For this purpose we perform a number of methods but are successful in very less amount of methods. So then we turn to commercial based products that do the cleaning but does a lot of damage too. House Cleaning Ballard has a number of tips that can be useful for you in cleaning the grout from the tile joints.

1.  Baking soda and vinegar

When house cleaning, make a mixture of 3parts baking soda and 1 part water. Apply this thick mixture in the tile joints with your finger. Then in a spray bottle, make a mixture of equal parts of water and vinegar, spray this mixture over the baking soda mixture once you spray it, you will see bubbling effect, this means the cleaning process has begun. Don’t spray vinegar mixture if your tile is made from natural stone. Let it sit for a while, once the bubbling effect has ended then use a brush to scrub the grout out. During house cleaning the use a mop to clean the remaining residual from the tiles. If you still find the particles of residual then wash the mop again and then repeat the process again. Like this you wont have to clean your tiles again and again.

2.  Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap  

When house cleaning, make a mixture of ¾ cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. of dish soap, spread this mixture on the tile joints where there is grout. Let it sit for a while, this is the most effective method of cleaning the grout from the tile joints. Then use a brush to scrub the grout out. Once the grout has been loosened then take hot water in a bucket. During house cleaning pour it over the mixture and rinse it out. Once all the residual has been removed then take a mop or a cloth to wipe and dry the floors out.

3.  Steam cleaner

When house cleaning, if you don’t want to put in a lot of effort in scrubbing the grout out of the tiles joints then go for the steamer. In this process you will require a steamer, for this you should read out the instructions on how to operate it. Then fill it in with warm water and remove the grout with the help of the steam from the steam cleaner. This is an effective way of house cleaning the grout too. 


If the given tips are not enough for you or if they are not working for you you shouldn’t worry and get in touch with your local House Cleaning Ballard experts. Call House Cleaning Ballard for more details now.