
How to clean a glass-top stove? - House Cleaning Ballard

Glass stoves are the new trend, they give your kitchen a very sleek look. If you have noticed the glass stoves are the most easy to clean, but it is very difficult to maintain the cleanliness at all times. You must have noticed that even the most little amount of spills show up on the stove and looks really untidy. House Cleaning Ballard has some tips that will help you in keeping your glass-stove clean.

1.  Daily cleaning of the glass-stove

House cleaning suggests that you clean the stove on a daily basis this will result in less buildup of gunk on the stove and keep your stove clean. For this house cleaning suggests that you let the stove cool down first then take a spray bottle in that you add water or white vinegar according to the cleaning. If it greasy then go for vinegar as it cuts grease. Spray this all over the stove and then use a microfiber cloth to wipe it clean. Vinegar has a pungent smell to it, so add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil to reduce the smell of vinegar.  

2. Cleaning with baking soda

When it comes to monthly deep cleaning of the stove, then house cleaning suggests that you opt to make this solution that will leave your stove clean and grease free. House cleaning suggests that in a spray bottle you take vinegar, once the stove has cooled down then spray vinegar all over the spray. After that, sprinkle baking soda, then take a clean cloth dip it in warm water and place it over the baking soda. Then let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes once you see that the grease stains have loosen up. Then use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe the surface of the stove. Once that is done then spray vinegar on the stove again to remove the streak marks. If the stains still persist then repeat the process once again.

3.Cleaning with razor blade

This is the most unusual method suggested by house cleaning to remove the stains from the stove. This method is recommended to remove the grease marks around the rings, but do read the instruction manual before beginning. The first step would be that you let the stove cool down a bit. Then spray generous amounts of vinegar on the stove until all the grease marks have dampened. Once the grease has softened a bit then use a razor to scrape off the grease stains from the stove. As you notice that all the stains have been scraped off then use a microfiber cloth to wipe clean the surface. If necessary then house cleaning suggests that you repeat this process once more. 


If you have been searching for more tips and hacks then you should get in touch with our local House Cleaning Ballard experts who can help you with more glass top stove house cleaning ideas. Call House Cleaning Ballard now.