
House Cleaning Ballard | The Best Bathroom Cleaning Tips

All of know the importance of keeping the bathroom clean but still most of us are busy in other kind of work that we leave it off until the last because it can be such a chore during the house cleaning process. The mildew, bacteria, germs and dirty surfaces are very hard to clean.


The bathrooms are a bit different as you need to first spray the entire toilet and shower in order to kill the bacteria and germs that are building up and then move on to the other areas while the cleansers do their work.


Follow tips by house cleaning Ballard to clean your bathroom.


Banish grim and the soap scum:

When house cleaning you should forget about the commercial cleaning products. Instead of that you can use the homemade products by using 3 teaspoons of baking soda and ½ cup of ammonia with two cups of warm water and wipe it with the solution. After that rinse it with the sponge from the bathroom surfaces and it will glow.


Toilet cleaning is easy:

When you decide for house cleaning the cleaning of the toilet ranks at somewhere zero at the scale but you have got no choice. Here are few tips which can make things easy for you.


- Antacid tablets: When house cleaning you need to add two antacid tablets in the bowl and let them dissolve for 20 minutes straight. After that scrub the bowl with the brush.


- Mouthwash: During the house cleaning you need to grab the bottle of mouthwash from your medicine cabinet and pour about ¼ of liquid in the cup. After 30 minutes scrub the bowel with the toilet brush and then flush it.


Get the mildew-free shower curtains:

Most of the environment in your bathroom is made for the mildew, so you don’t have to be surprised when it appears on the shower curtains in your bathroom. You can keep it at bay by soaking your shower curtain in the salt solution before you hang them back.


- Add ½ cup of borax solution and ½ cup of vinegar following 2 cup of water and pour on the affected areas. Let it sit for 10 minutes and scrub it.

- Mix dishwashing detergent and bleach to spray on the curtain.

- Create a paste of vinegar and salt. Then spread it on the mildew area. Leave it to get dry for 2 hours and then rinse it with dry cloth.

Solve Stubborn Scum & Water spots:

Most of the surfaces in bathroom can get affected by water spots and scum build up in tubs and sinks. To tackle you need to use the following.


- Take two cups of salt dissolve in water

- ½ vinegar, 1 cup of ammonia and ¼ cup of baking soda in four litre of warm water. Apply it on affected areas and let it get dry for 15 min. Rinse it afterwards.


For more bathroom organization tips and house cleaning call your local house cleaning Ballard experts.