
House Cleaning West Seattle: Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Throw away all of your bathroom cleaners because you can use basic stuff like, little lemon, baking soda and ammonia that is easily available in your house. From home remedies to secret house cleaning techniques to make your bathroom sparkling.

House Cleaning West Seattle has got brilliant tricks for you to clean your bathroom every time.

Banish Grime and Soap Scum:
You need to forget about the products that you purchased thinking that they will do miracle for you in house cleaning. Instead, stir 3 tablespoon of baking soda and ½ cup household ammonia in 2 cups of water. Once you have used the solution on then rinse it off with a sponge, your bathroom surface is going to shine. 

Toilet Cleaning Made Easy:
Toilet cleaning ranks somewhere around zero on the pleasant cleaning scale but you have got no choice but to tackle it. Here are few tips to make the job easy for house cleaning toilets and pocket the cost of specialty cleansers.

  • Antacid Tablets:
    You need to drop 2 antacid tablets or denture tablet that contains baking soda into the bowl and let the dissolve for at least 20 minutes. Scrub the bowl with the toilet brush to clean it
  • Mouthwash:
    Get a mouthwash from the medicine cabinet and pour about ¼ cup into the bowl and let it sit for half an hour.Scrub the bowl with the toilet brush and then flush it.
  • Cola:
    Empty the can of cola into the bowl and leave it for around 30 minutes before you scrub it and flush it.

Clean the Ceiling:
You must be very busy in house cleaning the fixtures and tiles in the bathroom that you don't even realize think to clean the ceiling. Observe the mildew, spots, built up grime. To clean it you need to fill a mop bucket with equal parts of water and vinegar, use protective eye goggles before cleaning. Dip the mop into the solution, squeeze it and then reach up to the ceiling to clean it.

Lemonary Toilet Cleaner:
Another house cleaning tip is to prepare a paste of 2-3 borax parts and 1 part of lemon juice and apply it on the stained toilet bowl, rim included as well. Let it sit for 2 hours and then scrub it off the toilet bowl.
This method is effective to get rid of ring that often appears at water level of toilet. 

Brush Away the Rust Stains:
If you want to get rid of hard-water rust stains from your commodes, tube or sinks just squeeze little paste on your old toothbrush and scrub it away. You need to attack the stain in the right way, the sooner you deal with them, and the sooner you can get rid of them.

Solve the Stubborn Scum and Water Spots:
Many surfaces in the bathroom which includes ceramic tiles around the sinks and tubes can be easily dulled by the water spots and easily the scum can be created around the sinks and tubes. To tackle these heavy soiled surface with different house cleaning items.

  • 2 cups of salt dissolved in 4 liter of warm water
  • ½ cup of vinegar, 1 cup of ammonia and ¼ cup of baking soda should be mixed with 4 liter of warm water
  • Apply the solution and let it sit for at least 15 minutes and then rinse it off. 

➤If you are not able to do proper house cleaning of your bathroom and don’t have enough time to clean then House Cleaning West Seattle can provide you assistance to keep your toilets clean.