
Different Methods to Remove the Coffee Stains from Clothes


If you are a coffee addict then it’s obvious that you would have dealt with the coffee stains on the regular basis. We know that it’s not easy to get rid of the light brown stains from the clothes, carpets or from the upholstery during the house cleaning process.


In order to get rid of the coffee stains you need to soak your clothes. During the house cleaning process, If you have get fresh stain on your clothes then immediately use the cold water at the back of the stain to remove it as like this there will be less chance of using the detergent, stain removers or other cleaning products.


Check out the steps by House Cleaning West Seattle to remove the coffee stains from the clothes during the house cleaning process.


1. During the house cleaning if you are dealing with the fresh coffee stains on your clothes then first you need to use the cold water. Make sure that you run cold water at the back of the stain. Like this the coffee residue will be restricted from spreading all over the cloth. Run the water for at least 10-15 minutes.


2. In the second step of house cleaning you can rub a little liquid detergent and cold water on the coffee stain. If you are not having the detergent then you can simply use the dish soap. Allow the stain to sit for 5 minutes. You can even let it sit for long as but don’t let the stain dry in this process. Use your thumb with short intervals to loosen the stain. If the stain is still there after all of this process then you can soak in the warm water for 15-20 minutes.


3. If you still notice the coffee stain during the house cleaning process then you should try to use some powdered detergent with equal parts of vinegar and water and create a paste of it. Before you apply this mixture on the stain apply it on an inconspicuous area, so that it doesn’t discolor the stain.


4. When house cleaning you can use the stain remover gel on the coffee stain. Leave it for 5 minutes and then you can wash it normally.


5. You need to check the coffee stains during the house cleaning process if they are gone or still exist. If you still notice that the stains are not gone completely then you should repeat these steps again before you leave it to get dry.


6. In the end you should air dry the clothes and then hold it in the light just to check if there is any discoloration of the cloth or not. It it’s gone then you can wash it normally but if it still exists then repeat this process all over again to completely get rid of the stains that are stuck in your clothes.


You can call your local House Cleaning West Seattle experts for more details regarding house organization.