
Your Toaster is Dirty? Here’s how to clean it

The toaster can be forgotten sometimes during the kitchen house cleaning, yet it surely deserves regular cleaning. The crumbs build up in the toaster over a period of time, so you should deep clean your toaster periodically to get rid of crumbs, so that it keeps on working properly. If you want to clean the toaster, the first thing you need to do is remove the crumb try from the bottom of it and clean it. After that you need to clean the interior and the exterior of the toaster during the house cleaning process. Once you are done with it your toaster will be fresh and ready to be used again


Here are a few tips by house cleaning West Seattle which you can follow to clean your toaster easily. 


1. Unplug the toaster and move to a workspace 

During the house cleaning process it’s important to remove the toaster plug before you start cleaning it in order to avoid electric shock. Once you have removed the plug from the toaster, bring it on a large surface area where you can clean it. Spread newspapers all over the countertop to collect the crumbs. 


2. Remove the crumb tray

During the house cleaning process you need to remove the crumb tray that is placed at the bottom of the toaster. It’s easy to slide out crumb tray from the toaster. If you are unable to remove it then you can check the manufacturer’s instructions for a complete guide. 


3. Shake out the crumb tray

During the house cleaning process you need to over turn the toaster crumb tray and then give it a good shake to remove the crumbs that are stuck in it along with dirt, debris and dust. 


- You can shake the crumbs on a newspaper which you have spread all over the counter. However it may be easier for you to shake it all over the garbage which you will dispose later. 


4. Clean the crumb tray in warm and soapy water. 

When house cleaning you need to wipe the tray of your toaster in the sink by using warm water and dish detergent soap. Just wash it like you wash other dirty dishes after eating the food. Clean it completely and after that if you still notice some crumbs then remove it by sponge and leave it to dry. 


5. Clean a non-removable crumb tray: 

During the house leaning process, if your toaster does not have a removable crumb tray then you need to upside down your toaster in the newspaper or on your garbage and then shake it gently for a few times. Like this you will be able to remove most of the crumbs from the toaster. 


If you have been searching for different tips and help regarding house cleaning but you are unable to find it then you can call your local house cleaning West Seattle experts to get more help regarding kitchen.