
July 5, 2019

If you want to clean the toaster, the first thing you need to do is remove the crumb try from the bottom of it and clean it. After that you need to clean the interior and the exterior of the toaster during the house cleaning process. Once you are done with it your toaster will be fresh and ready to be used again. Here are a few tips by house cleaning West Seattle which you can follow to clean your toaster easily.

June 24, 2019

The washing machine works really hard to remove dirt, stains and bacteria from all of your clothes during the house cleaning process and it doesn’t ask for much in return. Over the period of time, the dirt and soap scum build up increases and if you have never cleaned your washing machine then a good scrubbing is overdue. For house cleaning, check out these tips by House Cleaning West Seattle for cleaning a top loading or front loading washing machine.

June 17, 2019

In order to get rid of the coffee stains you need to soak your clothes. During the house cleaning process, If you have get fresh stain on your clothes then immediately use the cold water at the back of the stain to remove it as like this there will be less chance of using the detergent, stain removers or other cleaning products.Check out the steps by House Cleaning West Seattle to remove the coffee stains from the clothes during the house cleaning process.

June 10, 2019

When house cleaning, keep in mind that the ants carry the bacteria that can be transferred to the food or on wound. House cleaning West Seattle suggests some amazing home remedies which you need right now to get rid of ants from your house. Here is how you can get rid of them!

June 3, 2019

During the house cleaning, no matter what kind of beer it is, either it is from a lager, ale, porter or even stout, you just need to remove the stain out from your clothing, upholstery or carpet as soon as possible. The most important rule in the stain removal technique is to remove it as soon as possible when you get it. Follow few steps by House Cleaning West Seattle to clean the tough stains of beer during the house cleaning.

May 27, 2019

When we think about cleaning our bathrooms our minds immediately go straight to the toilet seats/bowls. We ignore the litany of the other dust, debris and gunk that has been festering elsewhere. But the proper house cleaning means that we go beyond the toilet bowl and maintain the toilet overall to improve our personal hygiene, health and confidence. For bathroom cleaning check house cleaning tips by House Cleaning West Seattle to clean your bathroom.

May 13, 2019

If you want to maintain your freshly-painted walls by keeping them clean and free of dust as well as fingerprints free by simple house cleaning. It’s very important to keep in mind that you use the non abrasive house cleaning products on your walls so that you don’t discolor or diminish your paint. Either your walls are covered with oil based paint or coated with latex paint. Follow few steps by House Cleaning West Seattle to clean your painted walls when house cleaning.

May 6, 2019

The television contains sensitive material and it needs to be cleaned with proper cleaners not with the chemical cleaners as it might damage it and lead you to a broken or blank screen. Follow tips by House Cleaning West Seattle to clean the lcd screen tv and avoid the costly damage during the house cleaning process.

April 29, 2019

Most of us spend lots of time in the kitchen while cooking, socialising after the long day at work. It is important to keep your kitchen germs and bacteria free. For that you need to follow tips of house cleaning west seattle to maintain your kitchen and keep germs away during the house cleaning.

April 22, 2019

Hard water stains can quickly build up on your faucets, skins and toilets. With the passage of time it can turn into rust and scale stains that are very difficult to remove during the house cleaning process. There are many commercial cleaning products that can be used to remove the hard water stains in the toilet and several different products that are effective to get rid of dreaded ring. House Cleaning West Seattle has got tips for you to remove hard water stains during house cleaning.

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